Featured in DanceInforma Magazine

Read about Jaime Shannon's mission with Kilowatt Dance Theater; bringing swing dance, traditionally a social dance, to the concert dance stage.


Kilowatts Reviewed in Huffington Post

Our first concert performance went by in a flurry of excitement. Some of our highlights reviewed by Juan Michale Porter II for Huffington Post.


Jaime and Tony featured on Travel Channel

Here you can spot Jaime and Tony dancing their hearts out at Swing 46 for this Travel Channel feature segment on big band leader, George Gee.


Kilowatt Dance Theater reviewed in Broadway World

Read a review of Kilowatt Dance Theater's performance in the 35th annual Battery Dance Festival, August 2016.


The Examiner

"Jaime Shannon and Tony Fraser's “Shag Explosion” left a breathless audience to explode in applause at the non-stop number's completion."

Review from the NY Jazz Choreography Project